This is the other half of a pamphlet I wrote 18 years ago. It still applies today.
1) Because racism hurts everyone. It is not just the occasional race riot or hate crime that hurts us. Rather, it is the daily dose of tension, suspicion and distrust that crosses racial lines in both directions and eats away at human potential from every side.
2) Because these tensions raise the over-all level of violence and aggression in our country, which, in turn, increase stress, depression, domestic violence, drug abuse, and a host of other social and spiritual ills.
3) Because our children deserve the chance to live in a world free of prejudice.
4) Because, “All humanity are the children of God; they belong to the same family, to the same original race.”
5) Because the belief that some people are better or more valuable than others is a spiritual cancer that can consume our souls and destroy our relationships.
6) Because love between black and white Americans will set such a powerful example that it will encourage peace and cooperation around the world.
7) Because treating everyone with dignity and respect is the spiritual essence of the Golden Rule.
8) Because making friends and feeling comfortable with people from diverse backgrounds is so much fun and feels so good.
9) Because it is God’s Will – and it is always smarter to be with God than against Him.